Dr. Suhas Haldipurkar greeting Rt. Dr. Shailesh Palekar

Rt. Mr. Nanak Rajnani - President Rotary club of Panvel along with Dr. Suhas Haldipurkar

Mr. Kunal Kishor, HOD optometry, welcoming guests from Rotary Club Panvel.

Introductory lecture on Institutional rotaract by Rt. Dr. Shailesh Palekar

LCO student sharing her experience about RAILA (Program Organized by Rotary Club)

LCO students participated in the session

LCO students participated in the session

LCO students participated in the session

Dr. Suhas Haldipurkar speaking about Institutional rotaract

Dr Suhas Haldipurkar Honoring Rt. Dr. Shailesh Palekar.

Dr Suhas Haldipurkar Honoring Rt. Mr. Nanak Rajnani

LCO Team with Dr. Suhas Haldipurkar

Mr Mohan Hindupur giving vote of thanks on behalf of LCO.
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