A grand Venue for EIVOC conference 2015 Chennai

LCO Faculty Mr. rakesh Kaushal with Partipants

LCO student with renowned Author Dr. William Benjamine

LCO team at EIVOC 2015

LCO team sharing a moment with optometry legend Dr.M.O.Jalie

Moment at venue of eivoc conference( confluence)

Mr. Mohammad Kazi one of LCO faculty presenting his poster

Mr.Nicson Colaco LCO student presenting his poster at EIVOC 2015

Mr.Rakesh Kaushal faculty cum course coordinatior of LCO reciveing appreciation certificate for his oral presentation from Dr.shaym

Mr.Rakesh Kaushal Faculty cum course coordinator of LCO presenting his paper presention at EIVOC 2015

Mr.Rakesh Kaushal with team of Association of British Dispensing at preconference session on dispensing at EIVOC 2015

Ms.Rashmi Kanojiya LCO student presenting her poster at EIVOC 2015

Ms.Samata Dolas LCO student present her poster at EIVOC 2015
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